日本財団 図書館


05. Water Resources Management

water quality and water quantity;
use of groundwater, surface water (rivers, lakes, sea), dune infiltrated water;
sewer systems and waste water purification.


06. Energy

energy supply and reduction of energy use:
- natural gas, oil, coal, etc.
- biomass (wood, etc.); organic wastes
- nuclear energy
- solar-, wind-, water-, geo-energy
- combined cycle (heat/power), isolation, etc.


07. Agriculture

agriculture in general, also including horticulture and forestry, cattle and poultry breeding.
Aquaculture, Mariculture, Fishery.


08. Mining

Mining is not only of importance with regard to dredging (followed by transport and disposal) of sand/silt/clay/gravel from the seabed for the creation of soft sea-defense structures, for land reclamation, for the creation, deepening and maintenance of approach channels to ports and for the existing and new ports themselves. It is also of importance with regard to the exploration and exploitation of oil, natural gas and other mineral resources in the coastal zone (old land, new land, tidal flats, coastal seabed).


09. Construction sites for living and working

- houses and facilities
- industries and offices and facilities
- city development


10. Recreation and Tourism


11. Transfer/Distribution Centres and Related Activities

- seaport, riverport, lake port, airport, landport


12. Infrastructure

- roads, railroads, waterways, sealanes, airlanes, underground systems


13. Transport modules

- bicycle, motor-car, bus, tram, train, metro, ship, container, airplane, rocket




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